Hello, You!
Congratulations! You are now a BriarPatch Owner.
We’re so glad you’re here! Check your email (and spam folder!). Your welcome email is on its way right now.

Welcome, New Owner! You’ll receive an email soon from our Owner Relationship Coordinator with more details about your shiny new ownership…including some new member freebies coming your way!
Next Steps for new owners
Be a force of good
Sign up for Patchworks and volunteer at one of many local nonprofits that need you. You’ll earn good karma plus 15% off a shopping trip.
Follow us on Instagram
We’ve got a whole lotta fun going on over at Instagram, store updates, giveaways and stories about our farms, community and the lovely folks who shop with us. We’re on Facebook too.
Add us to your ‘Safe’ email
We’ll be sending you some valuable freebies, coupons and other owner info you won’t want to miss. Here’s how to do this in Microsoft Outlook.
Community Announcements

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.

Harm Reduction 101
In this free Community Connections class, Yuba Harm Reduction Collective will teach us how you can save someone’s life during an overdose and more.

Upgrade and Expansion of EV Chargers
Tentatively starting on Feb 24th, we begin upgrading our EV chargers. This will affect availability of charging stations and more.
Array ( [numberposts] => 3 [post_type] => event [post__not_in] => Array ( [0] => 3453 ) [meta_key] => feature [meta_value] => 1 [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => OR [datestart_clause] => Array ( [key] => dates_date_start [compare] => >= [value] => 20250314 ) [dateend_clause] => Array ( [key] => dates_date_end [compare] => >= [value] => 20250314 ) ) [orderby] => Array ( [datestart_clause] => ASC [dateend_clause] => ASC ) )

Community Room Rental.
Our Grass Valley store’s Community Room is available by reservation for meetings, classes, or other events as a community service for community groups.
Following Our Principles
We exist to serve our owners and the communities where we live. Here are the 7 principles that we follow as a co-op that guide us in our giving back programs.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives
We actively strengthen the cooperative economy locally, regionally, nationally and internationally by working together.

Education Training & Information
We provide education for our owners and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of our cooperative. We proactively inform and engage our community about issues that contribute to our Ends.

Autonomy & Independence
We are an autonomous, self-help organization governed by our owners. If we enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, we do so on terms that maintain our cooperative autonomy.

Member Economic Participation
Owners contribute equitably to the capital of our cooperative. A portion of that capital is the common property of the cooperative.
Owners usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of ownership. Owners are encouraged to patronize and invest in the co-op.

Democratic Member Control
We are a democratic organization governed by our owners. Elected representatives are accountable to the membership. All members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote).

Voluntary & Open Membership
We are a voluntary organization, safe and open to all people, without discrimination based on race, religion, age, social status, political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Concern for Community
We support the sustainable development of our communities. We respect animal habitats, human habitats and recognize our dependence
on the Earth.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives
We actively strengthen the cooperative economy locally, regionally, nationally and internationally by working together.

Education Training & Information
We provide education for our owners and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of our cooperative. We proactively inform and engage our community about issues that contribute to our Ends.

Autonomy & Independence
We are an autonomous, self-help organization governed by our owners. If we enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, we do so on terms that maintain our cooperative autonomy.

Member Economic Participation
Owners contribute equitably to the capital of our cooperative. A portion of that capital is the common property of the cooperative.
Owners usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of ownership. Owners are encouraged to patronize and invest in the co-op.

Democratic Member Control
We are a democratic organization governed by our owners. Elected representatives are accountable to the membership. All members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote).

Voluntary & Open Membership
We are a voluntary organization, safe and open to all people, without discrimination based on race, religion, age, social status, political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Concern for Community
We support the sustainable development of our communities. We respect animal habitats, human habitats and recognize our dependence
on the Earth.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives
We actively strengthen the cooperative economy locally, regionally, nationally and internationally by working together.

Education Training & Information
We provide education for our owners and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of our cooperative. We proactively inform and engage our community about issues that contribute to our Ends.

Autonomy & Independence
We are an autonomous, self-help organization governed by our owners. If we enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, we do so on terms that maintain our cooperative autonomy.

Member Economic Participation
Owners contribute equitably to the capital of our cooperative. A portion of that capital is the common property of the cooperative.
Owners usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of ownership. Owners are encouraged to patronize and invest in the co-op.

Democratic Member Control
We are a democratic organization governed by our owners. Elected representatives are accountable to the membership. All members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote).