Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors serves a critical role in overseeing and guiding our Co-op. Directors attend board meetings and the meetings of at least one committee. Three positions on the Board, each for three-year terms, become available at every annual election. Interested in learning more about being on the BriarPatch Board?


Rachel Berry

Since moving to Nevada County in 2009 with my extended family, I look for ways to contribute to this amazing community that has welcomed me in so warmly.  I love the BriarPatch because it’s a shining example of how a business can thrive financially and at the same time be in service – providing healthy meals, prioritizing local farms, creating a culture of belonging and care, and so much more! Being a part of this effort is what inspires me to serve on the board.” 

Lindsey Pratt with Napa Cabbage

Lindsey Pratt

I love shopping at BriarPatch! The Co-op offers local, high quality, healthy, and ethically crafted goods that would be otherwise hard to access if BriarPatch wasn’t a part of our community. As a former farmworker of a farm that had sales commitments through BriarPatch, I know that the Co-op is an integral part of supporting local farms and our overall local food economy.”


Katie Ivy

In so many ways, BriarPatch is central to what makes our community special: local food, community action, health, sustainability. In addition, BriarPatch is always ready to support the important work of other organizations in the beautiful place we call home. This inspired me to step up, join the Board, and add my voice to the mix. Since then the Patch has given me the opportunity to grow and learn as a board member, while simultaneously becoming a more informed and connected community member.”


Mark Fenton

I have been a board member since 2008 and I have seen BriarPatch grow and become one of the most successful Co-ops in the country. It has developed into much more than just a really great healthful food source. I am truly inspired by its contributions to the local community, its support of non-profits, its close relationships with local farmers, its commitment to the highest product and employee standards, its wonderful social and environmental energy and its contributions to the national cooperative movement.”

Board Member

Richard Drace

As a Director, I serve a community comprised of many groups —our owners, also fellow board members, management, staff, shoppers, local farmers and organizations, co-ops across the country, and our planet and its people. Each asks for a slightly different style of attention, and for a slightly different level of commitment. BriarPatch makes significant contributions –large and small– to our community in all its versions. I feel privileged to offer my small contribution.” 

Board Member

Kwong Chew

My professional and personal lives intersect around healthy living, social justice, finance and community. BriarPatch brings these issues to life for me- when I shop and as a board director. I’ve been actively engaged here for 25+ years and have a wide involvement across the local socio-economic spectrum. Not a day passes without my seeing how BriarPatch is in the position to be a positive impact on our community. I am grateful for our co-op!” 

Board Member

Alana Lucia

BriarPatch is more than a collective of people buying food together. We are making a statement that our community matters; our own local community, our regional community, and our world community. We try our best to consider our impacts and seek to grow our positive impacts while mitigating our negative impacts. In my eyes, BriarPatch is like a mycelial network connecting us to our local growers and producers, the global food chain, and each other.”

Board Member

Jonathan Collier

Serving on the board of an organization that gives so much to our community is humbling. In these turbulent times we need authentic leadership more than ever. We need value-driven companies that care deeply about our health, our food, and the farmers that grow it, who encourage diversity and equity and who seek to heal and restore the land for future generations. It seems so simple, but few companies actually do it. I’m happy to be part of one that does.”

Board Member

Deborah Yashar

I am committed to using my creative energies and professional skills towards healing the land for future generations by working with teams to advance a just and regenerative food system. As Board Director, I will enthusiastically bring my 20 years of experience working with organizations and farmers from all walks of life towards achieving this goal. I have.”  

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