Plastic-Free July

In July, we join the #Plastic-freeJuly Movement to help reduce single use plastic!

We’ve got lots of ideas for how you can do this, but really it’s up to you to pick one thing (or all the things!) and see if you can eliminate it from your life for 1 day, 1 week, the whole month (and maybe forever!) and we’ve called out some of our favorite plastic-free products in the store too.

The worst offenders are the best places to start:

  1. Problem: Single use plastic water and other liquid containers. Solutions: Bring your own.
  2. Plastic straws! Choose bamboo, silicon, stainless steel. Yes, they need to be cleaned, but so do our oceans! And cleaning your straw is much easier.
  3. Plastic bags. This month we will not have plastic bags in bulk – you can use paper instead, or bring your own containers! In produce, you can bring your own plastic bags or we have some new mesh produce bags that are cute and sustainable.

Together, we can CRUSH single use plastic. For more information on the movement, check out the official Plastic-free July website.

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