TGIF! – Ten Gets It Fresh!

EVERY first Friday of the month we say… TGIF! (Ten Gets It Fresh) 💚🥑

When you come in, you can save 10% ALL regularly priced items in our Produce and Meat & Seafood departments, EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH!

Come in with your all your reusable bags so you can fill them all with TGIF savings on Grass Valley and Auburn’s best produce and our sustainable and top-quality meat & seafood. 🥬🍓🥩🐟

Why are our produce and products so good for you and our communities? Read about it here (PDF).

    [numberposts] => 3
    [post_type] => event
    [post__not_in] => Array
            [0] => 5619

    [order] => DESC
    [meta_query] => Array
            [relation] => OR
            [datestart_clause] => Array
                    [key] => dates_date_start
                    [compare] => >=
                    [value] => 20250218

            [dateend_clause] => Array
                    [key] => dates_date_end
                    [compare] => >=
                    [value] => 20250218


    [orderby] => Array
            [datestart_clause] => ASC
            [dateend_clause] => ASC
