Happy Pride Month

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 🏳️‍🌈Eat Cookies, Support Local Youth! 🌈🍪Our Bakery is busy baking fresh rainbow cookies (made with natural dyes) in support of the Rainbow Social, a group of local Nevada County youth and young adults who identify as LGTBQIA+ who come together to share experiences and create a community of support. This program is brought to you by Bright Futures for Youth& NEO Youth Center! Swing by the bakery to pick up a pack, or two!

Keep an eye out for the shelf tags labeled “LGBTQ+ owned” so you can buy LGBTQ brands throughout June! We also have a Pride Pack Giveaway basket filled with delicious goods from these brands. BriarPatch will be donating a portion of the proceeds from all LGBTQ+ brands to the Sacramento LGBT Community Center. The Community Center works to build a culturally rich LGBTQ+ community by advocating for equality and justice and by supporting the health and wellness of their community members. To learn more, visit www.saccenter.org  

We’re giving away a Pride Pack gift basket filled with delicious goods from these brands. Check the store for more details!  

Later this month, BriarPatch will throw a Pride on the Patio event to raise community awareness and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Stay tuned!

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