Christmas Eve

Closing at 7pm

We’ll be open 7 am – 7 pm on Christmas Eve, December 24th. The Deli and Meat & Seafood Departments will close at 6 pm so our staff can get home to friends and family. Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

    [numberposts] => 3
    [post_type] => event
    [post__not_in] => Array
            [0] => 1309

    [order] => DESC
    [meta_query] => Array
            [relation] => OR
            [datestart_clause] => Array
                    [key] => dates_date_start
                    [compare] => >=
                    [value] => 20240918

            [dateend_clause] => Array
                    [key] => dates_date_end
                    [compare] => >=
                    [value] => 20240918


    [orderby] => Array
            [datestart_clause] => ASC
            [dateend_clause] => ASC
