A Healthy Democracy.
The Board of Directors serves a critical role in overseeing and guiding our Co-op. Directors attend board meetings and the meetings of at least one committee. Three positions on the Board, each for three-year terms, become available at every annual election.
Meet the Board.
See who represents thousands of owner-members and defines the strategic vision for BriarPatch Food Co-op.
BriarPatch Co-op exists so that members of the communities in which we live, work, and serve will benefit in ever-increasing ways from:

Vibrant and sustainable organic and natural foods grocery stores.

An inclusive and resilient regional food system.

An equitable and expanding cooperative economy.
What are “Ends”?
Ends are statements that describe the purpose of our organization and why we exist. Ends define the results of our work, who benefits from it and what the value is for them.
Board Meetings
Last Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. The upcoming meeting agenda and location is posted on the store bulletin board at least one week prior to the meeting. For more information, contact the Administrative Assistant at 272-5333 ext. 102.
Meeting Minutes
Contacting the Board.
To send a message to all the Directors, address an email to: directors@board.briarpatch.coop.
Individual Directors’ email addresses are: their first name and last name initial, followed by “@board.briarpatch.coop”
(eg: rachelb@board.briarpatch.coop).
Paper letters left at the Customer Service Desk are picked up periodically.