How ’bout them apples?

🍎 🍏 Apples take center stage at our Grass Valley store cafe this fall! Our exhibit takes a fresh bite out of art history, where a-peeling apple art is inspired by legendary visual artists, from the Post-Impressionists to Modern masters. Each piece is a playful homage to iconic works, but there’s a challenge for you: Can you guess which artist inspired each painting? Enter between Oct 30 and Dec 3rd to be entered to win a print of your choice! 🍎 🍏

How to Play:

  1. Head to our Grass Valley store to explore the collection and see if you can spot the artistic influences in each piece.
  2. Submit your answers below. Art exhibit is numbered so just make sure your guess goes in the right spot!

Your Chance to Win!
Guess correctly, and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a framed print of your choice from the collection (5 winners will be selected).

Enjoy the art — and good luck with your guesses!

Art designed by Patti Glenn, BriarPatch Brand Coordinator

Guess the artists – Enter to Win!


Guess the Artists

Provide either the number of the piece or the artist.
Did you know that BriarPatch's Apples for Gardens program gives local community and school gardens 10 cents for every pound of apples sold?

Contest Rules
  • Must be 21 years or older to play.
  • Need not be a BriarPatch Owner to play.
  • All 9 artists need to be correctly identified. If fewer than 5 contestants do not provide correct answers, those with the most correct answers will be added to the drawing and entered to win until we have 5 winners.
  • 5 prizes will be awarded. You will win a framed 12×12 print (matted and framed final size is 16×16 inches). Prize value is $40.
  • By filling out this form you agree to sign up for the BriarPatch Food Co-op eNews.
  • There is no fee or purchase required to enter.
  • Winners will be contacted by phone or email.
  • Winners will have 24 hours to confirm your win and the print selection you wish to receive, and then we will schedule a time for you to pick up. Failure to do so will result in the random selection of another winner.
  • Winners must be able to pick up their prize at the store.
  • Winners will be given the opportunity to be photographed with their prize. Photographs will be taken ONLY after voluntary consent is given.
  • This giveaway is conducted in accordance with state and federal law.
  • BriarPatch employees, board members and their families and those associated with the Co-op are not eligible to enter.
  • Only one entry per person for the duration of the contest.
  • Please fill out the form completely to enter. Good Luck!
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